Japan has world's highest life expectancy , many people attribute japan's long life expectancy to its traditionally healthier diet when compared to western countries.

My obsession is so high for this country that i can go on and on about how much i love the country because there are so many things that make japan so special to me 

It has been few days when I was reading this book Ikigai - The Japanese Secret to Long and Happy Life. This book is all about the purpose of one's life, and how it can lead to happiness. 

The authors Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles when learned about Ikigai, decided to find the real meaning and how it works. They decided to visit Okinawa, the island with most centenarians in the world, who believe that their Ikigai is the reason to get up every morning.

In simple terms, Ikigai means the purpose of your life, the reason why you are born. Everybody has a purpose in their life. Without a purpose to fulfil, or a goal to chase, life would appear meaningless. Ikigai is a combination of what you love, what are you good at, what world needs, and what you can be paid for. A compound of your passion, profession, mission and vocation. In Okinawa, everyone has a purpose, if not, they help each other as a community to find the purpose. 

The Logotherapy

If there is a meaning, a purpose in every life, there has to be a way to find it too. There are various ways through which you can find the purpose of your life. It requires patience as your search for your purpose is not time bound. Some find it quickly, some take time, although everyone carries it within themselves. In this book they have explained about Logo Therapy by Viktor Frankl. This therapy is based on the idea that we humans are most motivated by a search for meaning, showing that the meaning of life is the biggest quest in our minds.

The 80% Secret

"Hara hachi bu" is a common Japanese saying which means something like fill your belly up to 80%. We should stop eating as we start feeling full. This helps to prevent long digestive processes and accelerate cell oxidation that helps to live a happier life for a longer period. This was about one's health but can also be applied to the 'purpose'. Whatever we achieve is always the 80% of our actual purpose. There is always a scope for betterment, there is always a chance of doing something more. This 20% can be our next 100% to achieve.


In Okinawa moai means the informal groups formed by the people with similar interests that look out for one another. These moai can also help people find their purpose or through them, serving others in the community becomes your Ikigai. I find this moai an excellent practice to create great team bonding and also for the overall development of a team or community. When there is such a community bonding, one will never feel left out, or worthless in their life. I loved the fact that in Okinawa, they believe in growing as a community rather than as an individual. This is another secret to a happy life.

Whatever you do, don't retire.

This was the most fascinating thing for me. In Japanese, there is no word that means to retire. When someone retires from work, it is like discarding the purpose of your life and hence this idea of retirement simply doesn't exist in the Japanese culture.

It is important that your mind stays young and healthy like your body. As we do physical exercises to keep our body healthy and look young, our mind also needs exercise. Our mind also needs a regular workout to stay young and healthy.